Ministry Outreach and
Upcoming Opportunities to Serve
MLK, Jr. Day of Service Weekend
Not a Day Off but
A Day On
January 17-19, 2021

Thank you for the donations of trail mix and cookies
In years past, the MLK, Jr. Day of Service provided opportunities for people to participate in mission projects. COVID-19 has altered some of those plans. Even in the midst of a pandemic, the community rallied to support people in need. Enough cookies were contribute to supply at least three weeks of lunch-making. We usually make 200-230 lunches each week.
Thank you to each person who made or purchased cookies or trail mix. Donations of cookies will be welcome at any time. To donate, email

Thursday, September 10, 2020, surprised the region with torrential downpours and serious flooding in Cheverly. Numerous cars were totaled due to water damage. Many homes experienced significant loss of property due to the flooding.
Our neighbors need help. People interested in helping neighbors rebuild are invited to donate gift cards for neighbors.
For Neighbors Who Want to Help:
ü Gift Cards: Cheverly United Methodist Church has agreed to receive and distribute gift card donations for the flood victims. Please drop off gift cards from: grocery stores (Aldi, Wegmans, etc) or Home Improvement Stores (Lowes, Home Depot) only. Gift cards can be dropped off to Pastor Lillian at the Church office or ***even easier***you can purchase electronic gift cards and have them emailed to the church at Please note two things when purchasing—that the purchase it is for flood victims and who is donating. Once received, Pastor Lillian will print the E-Card and distribute them to affected families. If you need to make specific arrangements for gift card drop off, you can text Pastor Lillian at 615-512-6983, or email You can also drop off gift cards on Sundays in the CUMC parking lot from 9am-11:30am. As worship is from 10-11am, Pastor Lillian would prefer to receive gift cards donations before or after the service. There will be a basket on the table under the UMC tent.
ü Donate to the General Cheverly Flood Victims Go Fund Me. This fund will be managed by the St. Vincent de Paul Society and they will fulfill specific requests from all the families as they come forward with their needs. Click here to donate:
ü Go Fund Me –
Donate directly to the Mehabe Family on Parkway. They are an intergenerational family of six who lost an entire floor of living space and a car. Click here to donate:
To date, 14 flood buckets have been distributed to community members who experienced flood damage to their homes. Assembled by United Methodists of the Baltimore-Washington Conference, the buckets are filled with items needed to clean. The items include:
5-gallon bucket with resealable lid - Buckets from fast-food restaurants or bakeries can be used if washed and cleaned. Do not use buckets that have stored chemicals such as paint or pool cleaner. Advertisements on the outside are acceptable.
• 5 scouring pads
• 7 sponges
• 1 scrub brush
• 18 cleaning towels (reusable wipes)
• Liquid laundry detergent (two 25 oz. or one 50 oz. bottle)
• 1 household cleaner, 12-16 oz. bottle
• Disinfectant dish soap, 16-28 oz. bottle
• 50 clothes pins
• Clothes line (two 50 ft. or one 100 ft.)
• 5 dust masks
• 2 pair latex gloves
• 1 pair work gloves
• 24-bag roll of heavy-duty trash bags, 33-45 gallon
(remove roll from box before placing in bucket)
• 1 insect repellent spray, 6-14 oz. can
• 1 air freshener, 8 or 9 oz. can
Seventeen flood buckets are still available for other neighbors. If you know someone who would benefit from a bucket, please send an email to: Please put the words, "flood bucket," in the subject line. you can also leave a message on the church voicemail - 301-773-1314.
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
CUMC in Mission

Food for Gladys Noon Spellman Students & Families
Monday, 4/27/2020
At 10AM, Monday, April 27, 2020, the United Methodist Women, UMW, led by Karen White, delivered food baskets to families of students who attend Gladys Noon Spellman. The UMW usually provides food baskets to GNS during the Thanksgiving and Easter breaks.
Each family received a substantial basket/bag of food. Church and community members were invited to purchase the entire list of items to give to a family. The list of requested items was as follows:
2lb bag of yellow or white corn flour
· 5 lb bag of unbleached bread flour
· 4 lb bag of sugar
· 5 lb bag of rice
· 16 oz dry red beans;
· 16 oz dry black beans
· 24 oz vegetable oil
· 6 pack ramen soup – chicken flavor
· 16 oz macaroni pasta (uncooked)
· two 24-oz jars of spaghetti sauce like Ragu
· 2 loaves multigrain bread
· Three 15oz cans of canned fruit (such as peaches, pears, pineapple or mixed)
· 16 oz pancake mix (such as Aunt Jemima)
· 1 flavored drink mix such as Kool-Aid, enough for 8 quarts
· 3 cans tuna fish, packed in water or oil

Cheverly UMC United Methodist Woman, Karen White, working with Mirna Castillo to help GNS families during the pandemic. I'm a paragraph.
Cheverly UMC continues to serve our neighbors through various feeding efforts. On Monday, April 27, 2020, the United Methodist Women provided food for 17 families of students who attend Gladys Noon Spellman Elementary School. Each family received enough food to feed the family for one week.
In partnership with the Cheverly Community Emergency Response Team, (CERT), CUMC co-sponsored a food drive in the church parking lot on Saturday, May 2, 2020, from 1:00-4PM. In addition to the food that was donated by neighbors, numerous community organizations contributed items. The Gold Crust Bakery provided bread for the food distribution. Sweet Bobbie's also provided small cakes. Through this effort 55 families received food to feed their households for 2 weeks.
The Help-by-Phone Pantry continues to serve individuals and families in need on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from noon-2PM. If you or someone you know needs food, please call 301-699-9009.
Thanks to the generosity of the neighbors who have been donating non-perishable items and finances, many people have been served, including the University of Maryland Food Pantry. For more information on mission outreach opportunities visit the website page "Opportunities to Serve."
Below are some other photos from mission outreach.
On Saturday, May 2, 2020, more than 55 bags of food were given to members of the Cheverly community. Each family received enough food to feed them for 2 weeks. More than 250 individuals were served. Thanks to the CERT who have so tirelessly given of their time and coordination to serve. More photos will be forthcoming.
To Date - More than 4,606 sandwiches and 4,621 lunches have been made and distributed to help hurting individuals.
Lunches are still needed for homeless brothers and sisters on Fridays. People interested in helping to prepare lunches, please contact
The lunches are prepared on Thursday for Friday pick up. On Thursday, July 24, 2020, we will need 180 lunches. We will also prepare more sandwiches to give to two United Methodist Churches to be distributed in two Washington, DC neighborhoods.
Gladys Noon Spellman Elementary Staffer, Mrs. Mirna Castillo, works with CUMC to ensure the families get what they need.
Neighbor Helping Neighbor
Stairlift Mobile Chair (Stairlifting Chair) Purchased for a Cheverly Neighbor
CUMC in Mission
CERT/CUMC Food Drive & Distribution Continues
Church Parking Lot
On April 25, 2020, from 11AM-1PM, CERT and CUMC hosted a neighborhood food drive in the church parking lot. The food was distributed to families the following Saturday, May 2, 2020. More than 55 families received enough food to last 2 weeks. Everyone wore masks/facial covering.
This effort will continue through the COVID-19 Crisis. For more information, contact Marvely at Cheverly CERT. People are asked to donate any of the following items.
Food Items
dried beans
bags of rice (brown or white)
pasta sauce (store bought)
ramen (chicken, beef, oriental)
bullion (chicken, beef, vegetable)
canned veggies (beans such as black, pinto &others, corn, peas, green beans, carrots, potatoes, etc)
canned soups (stock not cream. Chicken or vegetarian preferred)
bread (white or wheat)
crackers (plain or with peanut butter)
peanut butter
jelly (store bought)
canned or pouch tuna
canned or pouch chicken
Apple juice
Canned milk/ Soy and Almond
Grits, oatmeal
Non-Perishable Milk: Soy/Almond
House Hold Items
toilet paper
kleenex/facial tissue
paper towels
Homemade Face Masks Needed for Community of Hope
The Community of Hope needs children’s face masks. Persons who are making masks, are asked to create some for children. Completed masks can be dropped off to the home of Catherine Abbott, at 5719 Lockwood Road, Cheverly. I have sent them 10 masks and I am making more around my responsibilities with online school. Please pass along the request for children’s face masks to our CUMC family. Masks can be sent masks directly to:
Attn: Roxana Trejo
Conway Health and Resource Center
4 Atlantic Street SW
Washington DC 20032

CUMC Servant Leaders helping out at the Safe Haven Program at University United Methodist Church, in College Park, MD 1/5/2020
MLK Jr. Day of Service
Not a Day Off but a Day On
January 20, 2020
CUMC community members made peanut butter and jelly/jam sandwiches for Martha's Table

Thank you to the many people who contributed to this cause. A neighbor's husband lives on a steep hill with numerous steps from the house to the sidewalk. In order to help him and his wife navigate the steps, to get to numerous medical appointments, the Cheverly UMC family collected funds for this chair. The chair will actually walk up and down the stairs. It was delivered on September 12, 2020. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Thanks for Supporting the Cheverly UMC Crop Walk Team!
$2,463.00 Raised
Many thanks to the many persons who helped the team bypass its goal of $1,500. Special congratulations go to Sarah and Dave Bitzer for raising $1,313.
Right now, our team has raised the second highest amount of funds, behind Redeemer Lutheran. It is not too late to contribute.
To sponsor the team, go to:
You can also support a member of the team.
Blessing Bags!
Many thanks to the many CUMC members and neighbors who donated items for Blessing Bags for Homeless Brothers and Sisters. More than 100 bags were created and distributed. To God be the Glory.

CUMC Youth and Children Serving at the Loaves and Fishes Feeding Ministry at University UMC in College Park, MD