Celebration of Disciplines
Join the Sunday Morning Faith Shariing Group for prayer, discussion and fellowship. Take a journey with them and Richard Foster exploring 12 traditional Christian practices that believers have used through history to strengthen their awareness of God's love and presence.
8:30 AM Meet for coffee or tea
8:45 AM Prayer and discussion
Materials Needed:
Celebrations of Disciplines by Richard Foster
hardback $13.53, paperback $11.82, Kindle $9.99
Study Guide for Celebration of Disciplines
paperback $11.51, Kindle $9.99
A Journal/Notebook (suggested) for recording responses to reading and study guide questions.
Contact Cabe Abbott (cate_abbott@gmail.com) about ordering from Amazon.com
Readings for March 6, 2016:
Chapter 7 – Discipline of Solitude
Sun: James 3:1-12; Luke 23:6-9
Mon: Matthew 6:5-6
Tue: Psalm 8
Wed: Jeremiah 20:7-19
Thu: Matthew 26:36-46
Fri: Matthew 27:32-50
Sat: Matthew 9:35-38, 23:37
Questions to Ponder:
What is the difference between loneliness and solitude? Which do you experience more?
Why do we need both solitude and community in order to function with spiritual success?
Why do you think that solitude and silence are closely connected?
What is the “sacrifice of fools”? Have you ever been guilty?
Have you ever experienced “the silence of God”? If yes, please share. If no, ponder why not.
Have you ever experienced “a dark night of the soul”?
Which of the five steps to solitude is most useful to you? (a) little solitudes; (b) quiet place; (c) deeds without words; (d) regularly withdraw to re-evaluate goals; and (e) go on 2 to 3 day retreats.
What keeps you from solitude? How could you reorder your life to leave more space for God?
What experience of solitude would you like to have two years from now that you do not presently have? Spend this week planning and scheduling solitude/ time for God.